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Educational Care

Differentiating us from traditional ECE settings, we believe in nurturing a child's natural curiosity and love for learning through play-based experiences and activities - valuing collaboration with children's first educators (their parents and families), in the comfort of their home environments. Our sessions are individualised and personalised to each individual child's unique needs, developmental stages AND interests!

If your child/children are attending a service, centre or school, additionally - we can collaborate with them upon your consent, creating a supportive and smooth educational transition between all learning environments, including the home.

Educational Session

An Educational Care session with Beeb's promises an abundance of FUN! Once you've booked your preferred time and day, we'll provide you with enrolment information about your child and family. This allows us to tailor your upcoming session to meet the specific goals and needs of your child and family. With an ever-growing collection of educational resources, evidence-based strategies, and thoughtfully crafted lesson plans with a child-centred focus, we ensure that each session is engaging, exploratory, and enjoyable.


Our Approach

Our approach enables children to learn in a way that builds deep understandings and fosters connections, igniting their innate curiosity and cultivating a genuine love for learning. We believe that when children are actively engaged in this manner, they thrive and reach their full potential. At Beeb's, we provide all the necessary ingredients and tools to create an enriching and meaningful learning experience during each session. Let's embark on this educational journey together, making learning a delightful adventure for your child and family!



When you book our services, you can be assured that your child is in safe and knowledgeable hands. But that's not all - we go the extra mile to provide you with a fully comprehensive understanding of the session's developmental outcomes through a personalised learning story. This valuable tool highlights your child's progress, growth, and achievements, shedding light on specific areas of development and their active engagement with the learning materials and activities.

By receiving this post-session report, you gain a clear picture of your child's learning journey, enabling you to celebrate their successes and better understand their areas of interest and development. This personalised feedback not only enhances your peace of mind but also empowers you to actively participate in your child's educational growth.

You can leverage the insights from the learning story to further support your child's learning at home and reinforce the concepts covered during the session. This continuous feedback loop between our educational care and your involvement as a parent or family member plays a crucial role in your child's overall educational success and development.

Moreover, this documentation process can be instrumental in seeking additional support or collaborating with other educational services your family works with.


Moving forward

Together, we strive to strengthen the bond between your family and Beeb's Educational Services, creating a collaborative partnership in your child's learning journey.

Our transparent and informative approach ensures that you stay informed, engaged, and empowered as an active participant in your child's education. The result is a positive and enriching learning experience for your child and your entire family, fostering a love for learning and building a solid foundation for their future success.


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